I forgot about the blog. My bad. I've been a little preoccupied.
Monday I started my 4th week of nursing school. The crazy weather that the south has received caused us to miss the first two days of school. Therefore we were behind. So instead of starting off a little busy we started off a LOT busy. To say we hit the ground running is an understatement. The three days I had 4 tests and a quiz. I was a little shell shocked after that first initial day. However, I LOVE IT!!! It is the most time consuming, brain using, hard to grasp thing I have done, and I absolutely love every minute of it. I have a test basically everyday, and I don't even care. It's like this program was made for me. We learn material, and as soon as we're done learning that chapter [and occasionally it's a few chapters at a time] we take a test. Sometimes it's that same class period, but typically it's the next day that we meet. It's the BEST! A lot of people in my class think I'm crazy because I'm so calm about everything. And I realized I am. I'm calm about everything. Hard test? Oh well I've got to take it, and I studied so I should be fine. Failed a test? There's more. No big deal. I think it kind of shocks them.
Here's the thing though... graduating from OBU I was learning material for weeks and weeks, and then I'd take a test over it that 9 out 10 times was an essay test or lots and lots of fill in the blank. These tests are always multiple choice [except for the math portion], and 9 out of 10 times the only fill in the blank we have are from the terms that we know are going to be fill in the blank. Therefore, even though I am by far a top student in my class grade wise, I think the test are pretty simple as long as you pay attention in class, and study the material. I have never been so happy. Some people have tried being a joy kill, but they aren't because I'm not doing this for anyone else but myself. Mostly because I want to do something important with my life and help people, but also partly because I wanted to prove I could do it. I always thought I couldn't do it because I was "bad at math and science", and eventually I was encouraged that it wouldn't be a good choice because of the same reason I was making myself believe. BUT, I'm doing it. And it's great.
The hard part is this... I grew up, and am still in, a very "Christian" town, and graduated from a conservative Christian college. I'm at a state school. Granted it's a branch off campus, but still... do you see where this is going? Let me enlighten you [or no one because I don't know who reads this blog]. I've become a little complacent with my walk with God... and I got use to not having to be bold in my faith. I definitely am not use to having to be an example amongst my peers. Well not anymore. There are about 32 people in my class, and I think 2 people, maybe, are believers. I forgot how hard it is to be the minority in your faith. I have to watch every single thing that comes out of my mouth, and every action I take. It's good for me though. I got in the bad habit of a potty mouth, and this has cleaned it up real quick. I also forgot how immature adults can be. Full fledged adults. We have a few under 21, but most are 25+. They party. They get drunk. They smoke. They sleep around. It has floored me. Out of all those people about 5 of us are childless. And of that 32 only about 5-10 are married. You do the math. I had been praying to God to help make me bolder in my faith... well I got my answer.
Maybe that's one reason I've been so positive. I am not your typical overly positive person. I'm a glass half-full kind of girl, but I'm not the cheerleader type, ya know? The more I've realized my honest to goodness effortless attitude about everything having to do with school though... maybe God gave me this to be a light. Because there is really no other way to explain it. I like it though. Joy makes doing everything a lot easier.
Well this was a long post, and I did it well for it being 6:30 in the morning and I've already been up an hour! I'll try to be more consistent. It's hard when I have a test to study for everyday though. But I'm not complaining... :)