There was Dottie the Great Dane we had when I was 3 and 4 and lived in North Little Rock. We had to get rid of her because my neighbor was afraid of her.
Then there were a handful of cats we had when we lived in Branson. It was before the spay and neuter your pets thing was a big deal. Aubrey was a calico stray that we took care of, but basically just fed and loved her. She had 3 litters of kittens. One every year around Easter. Her kittens [these are totals]: Mustard, Sunshine, Coffee, Cream, Amy, Bear, and a few more. They all met untimely demises... we lived in the country/woods. Apparently owls get hungry...
We moved by to Arkansas when I was 8 and I got 2 parakeets from my cousin. Their names were Elvis and Priscilla. Elvis liked people... Priscilla only like males. I didn't have them long. Birds are pretty and all, but they are MESSY to take care of.
After my mom remarried I finally got another dog. My step-dad insisted on getting a Sheltie. We looked all day one day for a Sheltie puppy. We saw several, and after driving all over central AR looking for a dog we met someone at a flea market that had one puppy left, and that was the day we got Rockie. We registered that poor dog as Razzle's Fancy Rockie Top. It was his AKC name. Word of advice... don't look for a puppy with your 4th grader all day long and think you won't take a dog home at the end of the day. They put that big ball of fluff in my arms, and he licked my chin, and it was love. Best birthday gift.
After we got Rockie my cousin that I got Elvis and Priscilla from gave us two "boy guinea pigs". Well... they most definitely weren't two boys. Scooter and Buttercup. They were cute. They reproduced once. Cinnamon. She was cute too.
Then 2 years later my family decided that Rockie needed a friend. So we went on the search. New Year's Eve we brought Kaci home. We went from Rockie, who was the best puppy and dog. He was basically house broken when we got him. Good natured. Then we brought wild woman home. She was a mess. But she was mine. My name was on the papers so that was a huge deal to me at 11 years old. With both Rockie and Kaci, the first few nights after we brought them home I'd sleep in the bathroom on the floor with them so they wouldn't be lonely. I was pretty committed to them. I don't have them anymore. My former step-dad has them. Of all the things he got in the divorce and it was my dogs. I miss them.
Here's Kaci [l] and Rockie [r].

Also while I had the Shelties I also inherited two hamsters [separate times]. One was Wally, and the other was Tag. Wally was awesome. Tag was evil. He had a rough start though because I rescued him.
Then there was Bentlie. I made my mom get a cat during her brief single-hood. I didn't want Bentlie. I wanted a different cat. However, since mom didn't really want a cat in the first place... she got to pick. She picked the cute little calico that was precious at the shelter. Key words "at the shelter". We got her home... actually we just got her in the car, and she went bisserk. I have scars from her. She would jump from a sitting position on the floor to the top of a 7 foot bookshelf. She fetched. Yes... FETCHED. She loved water. She climbed on everything. She ran, flipped, bit, clawed. She was kind of crazy like Aleasa's Delilah. I loved her. Even if she was crazy. We kind of discovered she loved water the hard way... I was in the shower a few days after we brought her home, and I was rinsing my hair when I felt something furry on my leg. It was her tail. She was a bit of a creeper. When mom remarried she had to re-home her... to a halfway house for men. I was NOT happy, but she had a place to always run, and endless people to love on her.
Like I said... she was a bit of an acrobat. Yes... she's walking a shower rod...

Now I have Tessa. Sweet T-Dawg. I have had Tessa for a year and a half. I rescued her in May 2009. I was really getting discouraged finding a rescue because every time I had one picked out I didn't have a fence up yet. I'd been interested in Catahoula's. They're just awesome and unique dogs. Well the day before I was going to give up on the search for a rescue and just go to a breeder I went to Petfinder, and typed in Catahoula. That's when "Gia" popped up at a local shelter about 30 minutes from my house. I called the next day to see if I could go look at her. I went into that shelter, they let her out, and it was love. I knew before I left that I was keeping her. They held her for two weeks until I got my fence up.
She is the best dog I've ever had. She rarely barks. Doesn't dig, jump, bite, chew, beg. She has her wild spurt for about 30 minutes after I bring her inside, and that's it. I'm so crazy about this crazy dog it's not even funny. She's super smart, and too sweet. She's part Chocolate Lab and part Catahoula Leopard [it's a herding dog that originated from Louisiana], BUT I'm going to send her DNA in to find out everything for sure. I just think it would be interesting. Everyone she meets loves her, and she loves everyone. The only people she's a little wary of her men who smoke. It's weird.
She has weird little quirks about her. She is scared to death of lighters. I can't light a candle without her tucking tail. She apparently thinks the flash and/or red pre flash on my camera are going to steal her soul. She plays hide and go seek. She is super obedient unless we're outside. Then all bets are off. She also is not such a fan of nerf guns. Loves car rides. Loves to go on run, but she ends up putting MY life in danger by running in front of me and nearly killing me.
This is the first time I ever saw T on Petfinder...

I had to be sneaky to get this photo...
Playing Fetch
Snow day!
Liek I said... I'm pretty crazy about this pup.
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