Saturday, December 25, 2010

my bad

No blogging. Christmas has had me crazy busy. Not to mention preparing for classes to start in January. However, Christmas has been over roughly 15 minutes. I guess I should blog better from now on.

Christmas was pretty great this year. Minus the fact that I'm sick. Getting to watch my 3 year old cousin open gifts she wanted, but wasn't expecting was the BEST. Little kid's faces lighting up is awesome. All it took was The Lady and Tramp dvd because cousin Megan hunted it down on Amazon for her. Sweet kid.

I've also not worked out since Thanksgiving. Oops. [insert sheepish smilie here]. Yet I've lost a pound. Not much, but at least I'm not gaining! I was just as shocked that I've not gained weight. I mean... I've eaten far more food then I have any right too. Plus my sugar intake has been in enough access to fatten up a third world country. I'm so sick of sugar, yet I can't stop eating it. Starting January 1st I'm gonna need to start a sugar cleanse. ASAP. I've done really well until I got busy... right around the holidays. Once again... oops.

I'm counting down the hours/days until I see my OMG BFF. Wednesday. All day. Me and her. I'm super pumped. I already don't want her to go back to CA, and I haven't even got to see her yet. That's how much I miss her. Too much. I've got good friends here, but there is no other Leasal. Ever.

Merry [belated?] Christmas bloggers! From me and Tessa.

And now for some bloopers...
This is Tessa's personality full out. In my face all the time. She has a lot of love to give.

She was not a fan of the antlers. They were a little floppy. She was a champ though.

This isn't a blooper. Just proof that my dog has patience like none other as long as food is involved. Love her.

Just for the record... Tessa NEVER gets people food. However, she got a hamburger that afternoon. Just meat and bread, but the girl was pleased.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


No. More like a break. I really do get on my blog, and in less than 30 seconds go, "you don't have time to do this. There are more important things." Which is true. I've been running like a mad woman for the past couple of weeks. I will slow down tomorrow, but then I dog sit this weekend for two different people. Because of school I've reach a point where I can't afford to turn down dog sitting jobs. It's about to be my only source of income for a while until I find a job that will work with my school schedule.

I plan to finish the challenge... only I guess it's less of a challenge and more like regular blogging when you get 5+ days behind. Plus the fact that I'm going to play catch up on the challenge on my own sweet time.

I had orientation for my Practical Nursing Program on Friday. I think I'm less nervous now. In right about a year from now, if all goes well, I'll be a certified LPN. Then off I shall go to do my RN training. Just this semester, including clinicals that start in March, I'll be taking 21 hours. That's right. TWENTY-ONE! I could barely keep up with 15 or 17 at OBU. I think since it's spread out though I'll be okay. Granted taking 21, 19, and 17 hours all in the next year is going to be tough... I can't wait. What's really ridiculous it that I've already started studying. For class that starts in January. That must mean I'm dedicated. :)

The most fantastic news of all? MY ALEASA IS COMING BACK TO ARKANSAS TOMORROW!!! It's only for about 3 weeks but I'm so pumped to see her. It's rough going a year without seeing your best friend. I've not been this excited for something in a awhile.

Anyways... I going to try and blog better, but as crazy as my life is about to get in about 4 weeks... I'm not making any promises.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Day 19

I don't think of myself as super talented. I've also been told that denying a talent is false humbleness, and my mom use to tell me [oh who am I kidding... she STILL tells me this] "if you don't use your talent, you'll lose your talent". She's a big advocate of using talent that God has given you. So...

Singing. I love singing. I'm good at it. The only problem is I have some ridiculous stage fright. I was getting better at the stage fright... but I haven't been on stage in awhile to work on it.

Crafts. I make things. A lot. I just love working with my hands. Painting. Ceramics/pottery. The more poor I am the more likely you are to get something made as a present.

Kids. I've got a knack with kids. Someone said it's because I'm still a kid at heart. I'm okay with that. Hanging out with my friends and their kids is the best. Especially those sweet babies of theirs. I don't know what it is, but anytime I hold small babies they go to sleep. Maybe I'm comforting...

Animals. I'm also good with animals. I think it's a talent for the simple fact that some people suck at handling animals [and kids for that matter]. They just respond to me though.

Well... it's cold. My hands aren't working well. Keeping it short and sweet. Peace out.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

What Wedding?

Day 18- My Wedding/Future Wedding/Past Wedding

Once again... what wedding? I haven't really thought about my future [very distant future] wedding. Honest. The only thing that I've really thought about are bridesmaids. And colors. That's it.

I'm not much for weddings. I don't know why. I just don't care for them. There are few weddings that I've really enjoyed. Two of those happened last year. 6 weeks apart. Both were dear friends and I was in both weddings.

I think weddings stress me out because they just remind me of what I don't have. Most of the time the single life is fine with me. However, because I do, in fact, have a heart and 2 X chromosomes... sometimes I get that ache to have someone else in my life. I didn't think you could miss something you've never had. You can.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Artsy Fartsy

Day 17 an art piece (drawing, sculpture, painting, etc)

Okay... I don't have a picture of any art piece I've done except for a painting. I draw. Paint. Do pottery. I'm doing a stain-glassed class right now. I love art. It's relaxing for me. I have a lot of big pieces of pottery [ceramics] that I've done.

I'm about to start refinishing a quilt rack and a big wooden chair. OH! And a coffee table and a nightstand. You know... because I have so much extra time on my hands. ;)

I just love creating. For example... last weekend my mom wanted to figure out a way to use her pumpkins for Christmas. So... I took them. Spray painted them metallic silver. Then made one with a wreathe around the middle. One with polka dots. One with puff paint polka dots. One of with snowmen. They turned out SUPER cute. I brought two more from my work home so I can do those too. I'll post pictures when I'm done.

Anyway... if I'm suppose to have a picture... here is the one painting I've done in my life. It's of Amelia when she wasn't even a year old. It was her first trip to the beach. The original picture is too hilariously cute. Therefore I decided to try my hand at painting it...
This is the picture that I used to paint from. I can't find the picture of the painting though. I got an A though. So that's saying something.
I called the painting Beach Baby

Thursday, December 2, 2010

I'm Not Really A Crier...

But Day 16 calls for a song that "makes me cry". It can also be one that almost makes me cry.

I use to have a playlist on my iPod that was called "break my heart". They did. Now that playlist has a revised, less emo, title. :)

Open Your Eyes- Andrew Belle. His song Make It Without You is fantastic too. In fact, the whole album is good.

Imagination & You Are On Our Side- Bethany Dillon

To Build A Home- The Cinematic Orchestra

Note To God- Charice

Sticks and Stones- Dave Barnes

Over the Rainbow- Eva Cassidy. Okay... this song doesn't break my heart. Eva Cassidy just does a killer job.

Fellow Traveler- Ginny Owens. This song has literally made me sob. I don't know why. It just breaks me.

Heart On My Sleeve, I Feel Everything, and Stand- Idina Menzel

Liberator- Jason Estrich

If No One Will Listen- Kelly Clarkson. Don't judge. She's solid.

What A Wonderful World- Louis Armstrong

Broken- Lindsay Haun

Not Guilty- Mandisa

Long Road to Forgiveness and Jody's Song- Melissa Greene

Finally Home- Natalie Grant

We Build, The Altar, Why, Every Season, Small Enough, River God, Gratitude- Nichole Nordeman. Can you tell I am obsessed with this artist? The song Why is probably my absolute favorite. Incredible.

Love Will Bring You Home- Nicol Sponberg. This song has legit made me cry too.

I Have To Believe- Rita Springer. This song too. Real tears.

City- Sara Bareilles

Unredeemed and I Will Carry You (Audrey's Song)- Selah. Weeping. Esepcially the second song that's because of this blog. Amazing faith this woman has.

Beauty For Ashes- Shane & Shane

If you read to the bottom of the list... you probably picked up on the fact that music touches me. Now not all these songs brought tears to my eyes [maybe at one point or another], but all of them kind of tug at my heart. Whoever reads this should go listen to these songs. For real.


I woke up sweating this morning. Yay for heat that finally works at my house!!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Role Model[s].

Day 15

When I was younger my row models were kind of, sort of, really based on popularity. Even in high school I looked up to people who were prettier then me, cooler, skinnier... you get the picture. Then [while still in high school] I realized what a true role model is. I've had several true role models. Whether they taught me what I should do, shouldn't do, or were completely unaware of their affect on me. They were role models. And still are.

First up to bat...

Mom- She is a woman of great emotional strength. Physical strength she's kind of weak sauce. But emotionally... woman can handle it all. She's taught me lots of great things for the good, but she's also taught me things from her mistakes. Marriage being the main one. Part of her being married... more than a couple of times... has taught me to not settle. To be absolutely certain of who I choose to give my love to. It's also kind of scared me to death to get married. Still though. I love my mom, and she's shown me what it means to sacrifice.

Kelli- First small group leader. She was kind of like my big sister. God brought her into my life when I was at that age of not getting along with my mom. You know... from like 12-16 where you think your parent[s] are the dumbest thing on the planet? I wasn't terrible, and a back talker. However... I did need someone closer to my age that was wise, and loved unconditionally. Enter Kelli. She was the woman's director for K-Life. I absolutely adore[d] her. Kelli slowly got me into wanting to learn more about Christ. I was already a Christian, but I was at a church that kind said "hey get saved!", and then didn't help you grow in your belief. Kelli got that ball rolling. She taught me what it meant to be a Christian. How to be better in my faith. If it wasn't for her consistency and being intentional about hanging out with me, and trying to get me more involved in Bible study and K-Life, I'd probably be some brat twenty-something with a ridiculous lack of faith. She will always be a precious friend to me. If I turn out to be half the woman that she is I'll consider myself blessed.

Reno- Oh Reno... She came into my life my sophomore year of high school. Kelli had moved back to STL, and Reno was hired at K-Life. I did NOT make things easy on her those first few months. I wanted to get to know her, but I was 15. I was pissed off at the world that God had the nerve to jerk Kelli 6 hours away. BUT, Reno was patience with me too. She was with me through a lot of growth [even after she moved to Branson to work Kanakuk full time]. I have a lot of fantastic memories with her.

Callie- Kanakuk director wife. It was an odd thing meeting her. I didn't even know I was missing out on a mentor until I met her. If it wasn't for God bringing sweet Cal into my life I'd probably still be hiding secrets. Regardless of whether I struggle or not Cal has been there for me. When I felt like God was completely incapable of being loved by Jesus... He showed me His love through her. She was that person in my life that I knew I could tell her the deepest, darkest struggles and hurts, and she would love me just as much after the conversation as she did before. I was never afraid to tell her anything.

Not gonna lie... this post kind of bums me out. Obviously I hang out with my mom still. The other 3 amazing women live at least 3 hours away. The thing is... since I graduated college, and had to be an adult and quit working in the summers at Kamp, I've completely lacked an adult mentor. It literally makes my heart ache. I miss those girls. I miss their wisdom. Their advice. It kind of puts me near tears to think about what I'm missing out on by not being around them on a regular basis.

And now I'm going to bed. I've been feeling super alone lately. This post for reminiscing on role models didn't help the situation. Thanks a lot Blog Challenge. Thanks a whole freaking lot.