Tuesday, December 14, 2010


No. More like a break. I really do get on my blog, and in less than 30 seconds go, "you don't have time to do this. There are more important things." Which is true. I've been running like a mad woman for the past couple of weeks. I will slow down tomorrow, but then I dog sit this weekend for two different people. Because of school I've reach a point where I can't afford to turn down dog sitting jobs. It's about to be my only source of income for a while until I find a job that will work with my school schedule.

I plan to finish the challenge... only I guess it's less of a challenge and more like regular blogging when you get 5+ days behind. Plus the fact that I'm going to play catch up on the challenge on my own sweet time.

I had orientation for my Practical Nursing Program on Friday. I think I'm less nervous now. In right about a year from now, if all goes well, I'll be a certified LPN. Then off I shall go to do my RN training. Just this semester, including clinicals that start in March, I'll be taking 21 hours. That's right. TWENTY-ONE! I could barely keep up with 15 or 17 at OBU. I think since it's spread out though I'll be okay. Granted taking 21, 19, and 17 hours all in the next year is going to be tough... I can't wait. What's really ridiculous it that I've already started studying. For class that starts in January. That must mean I'm dedicated. :)

The most fantastic news of all? MY ALEASA IS COMING BACK TO ARKANSAS TOMORROW!!! It's only for about 3 weeks but I'm so pumped to see her. It's rough going a year without seeing your best friend. I've not been this excited for something in a awhile.

Anyways... I going to try and blog better, but as crazy as my life is about to get in about 4 weeks... I'm not making any promises.

1 comment:

  1. ONLY three weeks! that's so long for a vacation :) i can't wait to SEEEEE you!!!
