Catching up? I feel guilty for being behind. Ridiculous. I know. So... this is me. Catching up [hopefully].
Day 6-A picture of something that makes you happy
This is my Tessa. I rescued her last year from a shelter about 30 minutes from where I live. She's a Catahoula Leopard and Chocolate Lab mix. She might have some other stuff in her, but as for what I call her... she's a Labrahoula. This dog is seriously the BEST dog I've ever had or encountered. She is great with everyone. She loves kids and babies. She doesn't dig, jump, bark, chew, etc... okay, okay... on the rare occasion she has a barking fit, but it's so rare that when she barks I'm shocked. She is so sweet nature, but ridiculously stubborn. Super smart... but that Catahoula stubbornness gets in the way sometimes. I adore this dog. She's my shadow, and I'm okay with this. Not to mention... she's pretty unique looking.
Day 7-Favorite moviesI could go on, and on about the movies I love. Ashamedly [almost] of the fact that I'm a Twilight fan. It's solid entertainment, and I held out for a LONG time to even give it a chance. Love my Disney movies that I grew up watching. Musicals [Rent, Moulin Rouge, Music Man, Enchanted, etc.] Some random titles... The House Bunny, Baby Mama, Elf, Ya-Ya Sisterhood, Love Actually, Crash, John Tucker Must Die, She's the Man, Pride and Prejudice... like I said... my list is wide and long. Basically the only movies I absolutely can't handle are scary/horror movies. I can't handle that. I stay freaked out for DAYS, and have nightmares.
Day 8-A place you've traveled toI can't say i've traveled a whole lot of fun places. I've been to a lot of states, but no place foreign really. I did go to Ensenada, Mexico twice, but it was on a cruise... and I was 8. I don't feel one can properly appreciate foreign places at 8. Out of all the states... my favorite has been California. I was young when I went, but I LOVED it. I also am a huge Colarado fan. It's full of beautiful scenery. I want to travel though. Being a post-grad broke bank teller doesn't allow for much travel. If I could go anywhere right now it would be NYC. I'm such a musical buff that Broadway is a must.
Day 9-A picture of your friendsDidn't I do this yesterday? Well... technically anyway. I'll just go with a broader spectrum for this one...
Kamp Fam. Living with this many girls for 25 days in the summer will make anyone close. I adore these girls [in both pictures]. They almost feel more like family by the end of a Kanakuk Kamp term.

Kamp family are some great kind of friends, and I could literally fill up post after post with the pictures of my and the people I love at Kanakuk. I'll leave it at two though. :)
I also have some pretty special women that I consider friends and mentors. They all 3 were my K-Life small group leader at some point in my school career from 7th-12th grade. They have played a huge part in shaping who I am today.


Audra... okay for some reason I DON'T have a picture of my Knitter [she LOVED knitting], but she still played a huge part in my life.
Rounding out the friend section are a couple of pictures of some other friends that are just fun people. I've known some of them forever, and a couple for just a couple of years.
Bekah, me, and Brooke after Tiger Tunes my 1st year in the show

Me, Bailey, and Liz [kamp friends]
Day 10-Something you're afraid ofI apparently chose long lists to catch up on...
-spiders. i will just about break my neck to get away from a spider. I don't like any type of bug, but spiders hold the biggest section of that fear. It's just not normal to have more than 4 legs.
- being single for the rest of my life. When you are almost 25 this fear seems to start to set in. I want kids. I know I don't have to have a husband to have kids, BUT I grew up in a fatherless home and covet my friends who have close relationships with the father. It literally makes my heart ache. I, personally, don't want kids unless I have a husband to share them with.
- not being ABLE to have children. I want several kids, but I honestly want to adopt all but one. It's weird. I know.
- I have an out of control fear of dying a scary, painful death. It doesn't matter whether it's a car accident, drowning, gunshot, weather... I guess it's more a fear of KNOWING that I'm dying. Feeling my death? Yet as a whole I'm not afraid TO die. Okay this is getting morbid...
- not helping someone. I want to make a difference in someone's life for the better. I'm afraid I'm going to miss my opportunity to do that.
I'm just about blogged out for the night. Too much computer screen for these eyes. Until tomorrow...