this is the most recent picture. seriously. and it's two years old. oops.
15 interesting facts... Geez! go big or go home Blog Challenge! okay... these may not be interesting, but they are, indeed, facts.
1. i work at a bank
2. i have a dog. her name is Tessa. and she is the BEST.
3. the only type of gummy anything i will eat are Haribo gummy bears. any other bear is an impostor as far as I'm concerned.
4. i graduated 2 years ago [in December] with a degree in Christian Studies w/ an emphasis in Ministry.
5. i swore after graduating i'd never go back to school. Guess who [Lord willing] is going to nursing school in January?
6. i'm the product of divorce, but i honestly am better because of it.
7. up until my senior year of high school i was set on the medical field, but felt called to ministry that summer. now i'm going to do both.
8. t.v. on DVD is my favorite.
9. i'm right handed, but only when writing or batting is involved. everything else i do like a lefty.
10. up until junior high, every school i attended i was only there 2 years.
11. love books. never make time for reading. that means i have shelves of books collecting dust, but i think it makes me look smarter. :)
12. i have never dated. ever. no hand holding. never been kissed. zip. [did i mention i'll be 25 in march?]
13. my last name is Amish. i am NOT Amish. yet on a weekly basis i get asked if i am.
14. i love zoos. a lot.
15. i have the most intense fear of bugs. except butterflies.
that's it. hope no one is sleeping after reading those. i can't ever think of interesting facts when i actually need said facts.
i found those facts rather interesting, in fact. and i'm SO glad you're doing this! and this is the same picture i have in my phone as your caller id! hahaha
ReplyDeletewell i'm glad they were interesting. :) and i think it's way funny this is my id on your phone.