Friday, October 29, 2010

why do i suck at blogging?!

The truth is I really enjoy blogging. it's therapeutic to say the least. I blame the past few days of not blogging on having the sickies. Major throat infection had me down for the count. Not to mention I've been so busy I can't even see straight. Tomorrow is the light at the end of the tunnel though [until January hopefully] because TOMORROW I take the math test that makes or breaks my admission into the LPN program at ASU. I'm basically at the top in the 200+ applicants, BUT I'm not being cocky because even if those other applicants have a crappy transcript or didn't do any volunteer work... if they make an 85% on this test and I make a 79% I'm out. Period. I HAVE to make an 80% to even be considered. Pressure much?

So here's me catching up... again. My apologies to what I can only assume are my only two readers [Aleasa and Amy]. I know your day isn't complete without reading my newly updated blog. :) And even if it IS complete without reading my blog... don't tell me. Ignorance is bliss in this case.

I am LOVING that these three things can be in list form. I love lists. A lot.

Day 17-Something you're looking forward to
- this LPN test being finished.
-Aleasa and her hubs coming home for Christmas. I haven't seen her since January. I didn't know I could miss a friend the way I miss Leasal. She's basically the best.
-Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's lots of good family time, AND I get to buy gifts for people without having to find an excuse. Buying random gifts for people is one of my favorite things to do and more often than not gets me in trouble with whoever receives the gift.
-watching my friends kids grow up. I love investing in their lives. They're just a blast to be around.
-going back to school [Lord willing] believe it or not. I thought I'd NEVER want to go back to school. Apparently God has a sense of humor.

Day 18-Something you regret
Okay. Here's the thing with this... I DO regret some things. Some simple things like not being as outgoing in college as I could have been. Other things I regret I'd rather keep between me and God. But, and there is a BUT, I realize that all of those things, big or small, that I regret doing or not doing have made me who I am today. I've no doubt that it's because of some of those things that God has brought certain people in, and out, or my life. So therefore I don't regret much.. or at least I try not to regret them. It's more learning experiences... CHARACTER building exercises. And that's what I'll say about regrets.

Day 19-Something you miss
-high school homework. It was WAY easier than I orginally believed. College work was a definite slap to the ego.
-Saturday morning cartoons
-TGIF. Best night of t.v. hands down.
-not caring what others think of me.
-college and the friends that go with it.
-every single small group leader I had from middle school until high school. They shaped me in ways they can't imagine.
-summer city softball league
-random games of basketball
-late night dorm room chats with Aleasa [and more often than not Kolby]
-high school choir. It was awesome.
-not having a cell phone. I loved those summers at Kanakuk because I was completely cut off from phones, t.v. and internet.
-Tiger Tunes
-my classes at Ouachita
-Dunkaroos [they were this cookie that you dipped in chocolate icing goodness. yum]
-walking everywhere, and playing all. day. long. only coming in for a drink, and that's just if there wasn't a hose around.
-not having bills. Being an adult sucks sometimes.

Okay now that I'm caught up for the billionth time, maybe tomorrow I can do my next challenge day. What's really said is that Ihave things that I want to blog abount,

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