So I have to play catch-up. Again. So here's to Day 28 and 29.
Day 28: Something That Stresses You OutHow much space do I have for this one? The thing is... not a lot of stuff really,
really stresses me out. It's more of little things that build up until I can't stand it anymore, and I explode.
-Micromanagers. I didn't realize how much this bothered me until I started working with one. My "manager" is the most epic micro-manager. Except it's more just being plain nosey. Which I also can't stand. I have this thing that if you can't here what the topic is in a conversation maybe you shouldn't interrupt and ask what is being talked about. Now if you hear what we're talking about and it's a casual topic I might be okay with you jumping in. Other than that, butt out. So I guess ultimately it's the nosiness that bothers me more than anything.
-This is weird, but the thought of failure completely and totally stresses me out. I'm really career minded. And I'm okay with that. However, I get stressed thinking about what I want to do with my life, and the "what ifs". I find out in less than 2 weeks if I got into the nursing program, and the thought of not getting in almost makes me crazy.
-Fighting. I don't do well with confrontation. Now to hear me talk... you'd think I'd be ready to go head to head with whomever pisses me off the right way. I'm a lot of talk though. Lots of bark. No bite. I might have bite, but I haven't had to use it yet. Now if you get my family, friends, or children involved... it's a very real possibility that that bark turns into a bite. As far as I'm concerned you don't mess with the ones I love. We'll have a problem.
-Unruly children. I don't know how a lot of people feel about spanking your children, but I'm pro spanking. I was spanked. Not beat. And I'm fine. If you don't want to spank your kids at LEAST have the common sense to teach them manners. I can't stand bad behavior of children. It completely drives me nuts. Especially if they're just throwing a tantrum because they can.
-Crappy theology. Two words: Joel Olsteen. I'm not going to get into it though because this is leading me into my next stress.
-Talking religion and/or politics with people.
ESPECIALLY when they aren't willing to hear your side of it. I'll kind of talk a little religion and politics with my friends, but that's rare and short lived. I can't stand people fighting over either topic. It's immature, and childish. Just because you don't agree with what someone believes doesn't mean you have to put them down and berate them.
-Bad drivers. I ask few things from drivers. Go no more then 5 mph above the speed limit unless necessary. Don't stay in the "fast" lane if you're going the speed limit or under.
DO NOT tailgate me when I'm going over the speed limit... I
will brake check you. And last, but most definitely not least, my biggest stress with drivers... NO BLINKERS! That level to the left [sometimes right] or your steering wheel is there for a reason. Use it. You won't break a finger. I promise.
-Uninvited physical touch. I hate it. HATE IT! It literally makes my skin start to crawl. I don't know why I'm so anti-touch, but I am. I've been knownt to almost hurt myself so someone wouldn't touch me, and it was just a hug. If I didn't ask or you aren't a child or my mom, grandparents, or
some friends, don't touch me.
On to day 29.
Day 29: WishesI would say I'm not much of a wish person, but I
am a closet dreamer. I don't really see it as a wish though. I keep things in my prayers. I think that God knows my heart's desire, so this is what I think He probably sees...
-I hope that my future kids get to meet their great-grandparents, my maternal grandparents, because I adored my greats, and I think they'd be missing out if they didn't get to meet theirs.
-I hope that I am successful in such a way that I'm able to really give back.
-I hope that God continues to stay as patient with me as He's been in the past. I'm continuing to have problems really getting back to Him. I'm in a constant state of 2 steps forward 3+ steps back.
-I hope that God will bring someone into my life that can really keep me accountable. Someone I can trust with the deep darks. The things I can't or don't tell anyone else. It comes down to the fact that I need counseling, and I can't afford it. I constantly pray that God opens a door for me to get what I need. Not in a crazy way, but in a closure and healing way.
-I hope that I get married so I can have kids. It's not that I don't believe that people can't raise children as a single parent, but I know, as a kid of a single parent at several times, how hard it can be. I don't wish that on anyone. It's got its perks, but it's got some downfalls too. Besides all that... every kid deserves a mom and dad.
-I hope that I am given multiple opportunities, and means, to adopt. One of my biggest "wishes" is to adopt. I want a "Jesus Loves the Little Children" kind of family.
Is tomorrow really the last day of the challenge? Can we have a challenge month every month? I can blog when topics are given! Ha!